Los Angeles Superior Court To Start Hearing Unlawful Detainer Actions In Pomona Courthouse
Effective as of September 21, 2015, the Los Angeles Superior Court is expanding limited jurisdiction unlawful detainer actions from seven to eight courthouses. In addition to the other seven Los Angeles courthouses that hear unlawful detainer actions, the Superior Court will start hearing unlaful detainer actions at the Pomona Courthouse South located at 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona, CA 91766.
For further information, please contact Wallace, Richardson, Sontag & Le, LLP at (949) 748-3600; website: www.rwclegal.com.
The law firm of Wallace, Richardson, Sontag & Le, LLP represents landlords, property management companies, institutional and private lenders, employers and insurance companies throughout the State of California in real estate, business and employment litigation. The information provided herein is for general interest only and should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice.
© 2015 Wallace, Richardson, Sontag & Le, LLP.