Unincorporated Areas of Los Angeles County Subject Rent And Eviction Controls

March, 2019

The County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors has enacted a Temporary Rent Stabilization Ordinance for eligible rental units in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. Rent stabilization is a local law that establishes limits on rent increases and extends eviction protections. The ordinance went into effect on December 20, 2018. The temporary ordinance includes the following:

  • An annual cap of 3 percent on rent increases
  • A provision requiring just cause for tenant evictions (just cause)
  • A rent increase process for property owners who believe they are not receiving a fair rate of return on their property
  • A provision that allows property owners with 50 or fewer rental units to pass on the direct cost of the Measure W parcel tax to renters (approved by voters in the November 2018 election). This cost is separate from rent increases.

The County ordinance voids rent increases over 3 percent in effect after September 11, 2018. If a renter already paid a rent increase over 3 percent the overpayment must be returned. Property owners may either pay this back in one lump sum or issue a credit against future rent due over a six-month period.

The temporary ordinance will be in effect for 180 days from its effective date of December 20, 2018. The Board of Supervisors can extend the temporary ordinance, as necessary, or vote to replace it with a permanent ordinance.

To find out if a property is in unincorporated Los Angeles County, visit the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk website at lavote.net/precinctmap and select “District Map Look Up By Address”.

A copy of the full Temporary Ordinance can be found here: http://dcba.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/County-of-Los-Angeles-Interim-RSO-11.20.2018.pdf

A copy of the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors motion can be found here: http://dcba.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Los-Angeles-County-Rent-Stabilization-Motion.pdf

For further information, please contact Wallace, Richardson, Sontag & Le, LLP at (949) 748-3600.

The law firm of Wallace, Richardson, Sontag & Le, LLP represents landlords, property management companies, institutional and private lenders, employers and insurance companies throughout the State of California in real estate, business and employment litigation. The information provided herein is for general interest only and should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice.